Aims & Objective

To develop knowledge, skill and human approach in M.S. students.

Knowledge (Cognitive Domain)

  • Diagnose common as well as complex orthopedic cases with reference to tropical disease, traumatic cases, congenital and acquired diseases were orthopedic treatment is necessary.
  • Outline various modes of Managements including drug treatment and orthopedic treatment.
  • Propose diagnostic and investigated procedures and ability to interpret them.
  • Provide and guide management of acute emergency and mass causality.
  • To practice conscientious explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decision about the care of individual patient.
  • Update oneself by self-study and by attending courses, seminars, conferences and workshop which are relevant to the field of orthopaedics and Traumatology.
  • Carry out guided research with the aim of publishing his/her work and presenting work at various.


  • Develop clinical skills and diagnose orthopedics cases.
  • Performed common, routine and emergency operation.
  • To carry out various investigative procedures and emergency procedures.

Human Approach

  • Adopt ethical principles in all aspects of his/her practice. Professional honesty and integrity must be there.
  • Develop communication skills in order to explain the various options available in management and to obtain a true informed consent from the patient.
  • Be humble and accept the limitations of his knowledge and skills and to ask for help from colleagues/ seniors when needed.
  • Respect patient rights and privileges including patient's right to information and right to seek a second opinion.