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Science Facts

Science Facts - June Month

1 June 1833 James Clark Ross discovers the position of the North Magnetic Pole on the Boothia Peninsula.
1 June 1917 American Chemist William S. Knowles ( Co- winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his work in asymmetric synthesis, specially in hydrogenation reactions. ) was born.
4 June 1877 German Biochemist Heinrich Wieland ( made research into the bile acids) was born.
5 June World Environment Day
5 June 1900 Hungarian Physicist Dennis Gabor (inventor of holography) was born.
6 June 2012 The astronomical event "Transit of Venus" happened on this day
7 June 1862 Austrian Physicist Philipp Lenard (worked on cathode rays and the discoveries of many of their properties ) was born.
7 June 1896 American Physical Chemist Robert S. Mulliken (responsible for the early development of molecular orbital theory ) was born.
8 June 1916 English Molecular Biologist Francis Crick ( played crucial roles in deciphering the helical structure of the DNA molecule) was born.
11 June 1963 First Lady Astronomer "Valentina " came back from journey to Space
12 June World Day against child labour
12 June 1899 American Biochemist Fritz Albert Lipmann (co- discoverer of coenzyme A) was born.
13 June 1831 Scottish Physicist James Clerk Maxwell was born.
13 June 1911 American Physicist Luis Alvarez ( Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1968 for his discovery of resonance states in particle physics using the hydrogen bubble chamber ) was born.
13 June 1983 Pioneer 10 becomes the first manmade object to leave the Solar System.
14 June World Blood Donor Day (WHO)
15 June 1917 American Chemist John Fenn ( worked in mass spectrometry ) was born.
16 June 1897 German Chemist Georg Witting ( reported the method of synthesis of alkenes from aldehydes  and ketones using compounds called  phosphonium ylides ) was born.
18 June 1918 American Chemist Jerome Karle ( Awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1985 for the direct analysis of crystal structures using X-ray scattering techniques.  ) was born.
19 June World Sickle cell Anaemia Awareness Day
19 June 1623 French mathematician Blaise Pascal was born.
19 June 1897 English Chemist Cyril Norman Hinshelwood (Expert in chemical kinetics) was born.
20 June 1877 Alexander Graham Bell installs world's first commercial telephone service in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
22 June 1973 Successful landing of the astronomer of Skylab in Pacific Ocean after revolving around the earth for 28 days
22 June 2006 The newly discovered moons of Pluto are officially named Hydra and Nix by the international Astronomical Union.
28 June 1943 German Physicist Klaus von Klitzing (Winner of the 1985 Nobel Prize in Physics for discovery of the integer quantum Hall effect) was born.
30 June 1880 Longest total Solar Eclipse of millennium
U.N. – United Nations, WHO – World Health Organization and UNESCO – United Nations Educational Scientific & Cultural Organization.