South Zone A
South Zone A |
South Zone Vahivati Bhavan, Udhana Main Road, Opp. Satya Nagar, Udhan, Surat Contact No.: 2278429, 2277043, 2275651 Control Room Mobile No.: 9724346060 to 61 Fax No.: 2272147 |
Sh. G D Chauhan Add. City Engineer (Civil) & I/c Zonal Chief (M) 6359909213 (O) 0261-2480518 (PABX-200) ace.gdc
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Administrative | Engineering | Health |
Sh. Ajaykumar H Bhatt Assistant Mun. Commissioner (m) 9825220017 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-305) amc.sza
Sh. S D Prajapati Executive Engineer (m) 9974816492 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-207) exen.sza
Dr. Kinjal H Patel Dy. Medical Officer of Health (m) 9099007971 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-304) dmoh.sza
Sh. Chetan S Patil Assessment & Recovery Officer (m) 7573952893 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-255) aro.sza
Sh. K A Chaudhari Deputy Engineer (m) 7433976493 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-205) |
Dr. Dinesh Patel Asst. Medical Officer of Health (m) 9099007926 |
Sh. Kirankumar N Gandhi I/c Personnel Officer (m) 7600074330 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-304) po.sza
Sh. P B Bhoya Deputy Engineer (m) 9426892627 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-202) |
Sh. Saurabh C Bhuriya Asst. Insecticide Officer (m) 9734075426 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-306) |
Sh. Chetal H Desai Deputy Accountant (m) 9879011911 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-260) |
Sh. N R Chaudhary Deputy Engineer (m) 9825456840 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-203) |
Sh. Hemesh S Patel Food Safety Officer (m) 9825863952 |
Sh. A V Jagtap Asst. Law Officer & Appellate Officer (m) 9825298102 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-250) |
Sh. A D Bhojawala Deputy Engineer (m) 9724337900 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-203) |
Smt. Jigisha S Desai Food Safety Officer (m) 9925555205 |
Sh. S B Chaudhari Deputy Engineer (m) 9879546008 (o) 0261-2278429 (PABX-203) |
Smt. Trupti S Patel Food Safety Officer (m) 9924292078 |
Sh. G S Bagul Deputy Engineer (Ele.) (m) 9687612554 (o) 0261-2331903 |
Sh. Narendra Y Gujar Statistical Assistant |