Approval Process
Existing Process of Building Approval and Supervision
- Submission of Development permission Application by the owner through licensed Architect/Engineer along with the required documents in auto dpa (Application software)
- Opinion of the
Town planning Department S.M.C. is obtained related to:
- T.P.Schemes proposals
- Acquisition
- Road alignment etc.
Town Planning Officer Appointed by State Govt. related to:
- T.P.Schemes proposals pending with the Town Planning Officer.
Town planning Department S.M.C. is obtained related to:
Scrutiny of the development proposal
- By Central Town Development Department in case of high-rise,commercial building and lay-outs (Centralized function) through building plan approval system.
- By concerned Zone Office in case of low-rise non commercial buildings
Existing Process of Building Approval and Supervision
Approval of the development proposal
- By Municipal Commissioner in case of high-rise, commercial and lay-outs (Centralized function)
- By Zonal Officer (with prior approval of Zonal Chief if plot area is more than 400 sq. mts.) in case of low-rise non commercial building (Decentralized function)
- Payment of requisite development charges and deposits as applicable.
- Issue of the development permission provided the owner/applicant submits N.A. certificates from the Revenue Department.
- Grant of stage wise commencement certificates on compliance of requisite conditions of approval.
- Submission of Building Completion Certificate by the registered Architect / Engineer on completion of the work.
- Grant of Occupancy Certificate on compliance of requisite conditions of approval.
Flow chart for Building Approval (Centralized Function - High-rise, Commercial & Layouts)

Permission For Development with Internal Roads (Lay-outs) Issued
- If Infrastructure of Roads,Water supply,Drainage and Light availed on site.
- If Prescribed Deposit For Each Infrastructure is Paid