Projects under Planning/Tendering
Below are the details of the projects which are under planning/Tendering stage:
1. Surat Metro Rail project
As directed by Govt. of Gujarat, Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Surat Metro Rail project-Phase-I was prepared by Surat Municipal Corporation through DMRC (Delhi Metro Rail Corporation). Accordingly, DPR with Estimated Amount of Rs.12020 Crores is approved by Govt. of India in March 2019. The proposed Network of Surat Metro (Phase-I) is shown in the map below:

As per approved DPR, total 38 metro stations are planned in 2 metro corridors with total length of 40.35 Kms including underground metro route for 6.47 Kms. Corridor-1 :Sarthana to DREAM city (Khajod) and Corridor-2 : Bhesan to Saroli. Total implementation period for the project is 5 years starting from year 2019-20. As per approval of State Govt., implementation of metro project is being carried out by GMRC (Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation, formerly known as MEGA) which is a 50:50 joint SPV of Govt. of Gujarat & Govt. of India. At present, work is in progress.
2. Proposed new main office building for Surat Municipal Corporation
SMC’s present head quarter building built in year 1644 is a heritage structure situated on a very narrow and busy road at Muglisara, near Chowk Bazar, which results in a very heavy traffic during office hours. Due to limited available working space in the existing building, presently various important departments are situated at other places outside main office building.
As per instruction from Hon. Prime Minister shri in the meeting through Video Conference held on Dtd. 04/10/2021 at Gandhinagar. The consultant, INI Design Studio Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad is asked to design the building utilising the full FSI 5.4 available at site as per tall building notification including the offices of State and Central government situated in Surat in addition to SMC offices. Block estimate of the project of Rs.898,91,68,000/- is sanctioned through General Board resolution no.335/2021 on Dtd.30/11/2021.
Salient Features of the Project:
- It will be the first tallest office building in the country where central, state and local government offices will be there in a single location for services to citizens.
- The Proposed building will be the tallest building in the South Gujarat region and will be one of the tallest city offices building in the country.
- The design attempts to achieve IGBC PLATINUM RATING (equivalent to highest GRIHA RATING)
- Citizen friendly office complex with well connected transport network.
- The building will be integrated, multi disciplinary & smart technology enabled office building.
Project Objectives & Overview:
- Proposed Office Building Location: In the center of the city on the Ring Road and near Proposed Metro Rail Junction where both the corridor of the Metro Crosses
- Well Connected and within walking distance from BRTS
- Site Area : 22,563 Sq. Mt.
- Total Built up Area: 2,20,212
- There are 4 basement floors provided for parking in the building.
- Podium Floors of height 22.5mt. (G+4) having Civic Center, Sitting area for Citizens, Meeting halls, Multipurpose Hall, Library, CCTV Surveillance Room, Various Activity Room, Offices of Administrative and Elected wing etc.
- Out of two Towers above Podium,
- Tower-A (G+27) for Surat Municipal Corporation Offices (height=105.3mt, Area =47,895
- Tower-B (G+27) for State and Central Government Offices situated in Surat City (height=105.3mt, Area= 43,666
According to Comprehensive General Development Control Regulations (CGDCR) -2017 and the notification published by Urban Development and Urban Housing Department of Government of Gujarat on Dtd.27/05/2021, Special Technical Committee (STC) is constituted regarding development permission for construction of Tall Building i.e. Buildings having height more than 100mt. In the said STC meeting held on Dtd.08/07/2022, on satisfactorily completion of all the matter, STC has given approval on development permission of New Office Building. Tender notice is published on dtd.25/07/2022 and tender will be uploaded on Dt.08/08/2022.
3. Conventional Barrage Project
Surat Municipal Corporation had constructed a low height weir across river Tapi at Singapore in the year 1995, 30 km upstream of the confluence with the sea having storage capacity of about 31.01 MCM. The project was undertaken to supplement water supply to the Surat city as well as to various industries situated along the right bank of river Tapi in Hazira area. Due to impounding of the reservoir the SMC has constructed various water works at Sarthana, Katargam and Jahangirpura. The reservoir has also caused continuous ground water recharging of Surat city area as well as reduction in salinity ingress. The top level of the weir is at El 6.00 m which is higher than the high tide level 5.5 m. The length of the weir is 580 m with ungated weir length 486.5 m and scouring sluice length 93.5 m. Crest width is 10 m and FRL at El 5.0 m.
Necessity of additional barrage
Ground water in Surat city area like Adajan, Athwa lines, Nanpura, Piplod, Bhata, Umraetc have turned excessively brakish due to increase salinity ingress of sea water. Due to decrease in flow capacity of the river Tapi, overflows occur frequently at Adajan, Pal and Bhatha whenever flood peak exceeds 3.5 lakh cusec. The ground water level in this area varies from EL (–) 7 m to EL(–) 10 m and the maximum tide level near weir cum causeway is about EL 5.0 m.
Industrial effluent discharged by Hazira industrial area in estuarine part of river Tapi is carried up to weir cum causeway along with the sea tide. Similarly huge amount of industrial effluent, discharged from Sachin GIDC in to river Mindhola also mingles with tidal flow in this estuarine part of river Tapi and the effluent brought up to Weir cum causeway and when the tide recedes it leaves behind filth and waste.
- In Singanpore weir, 16 automatic sluice gates have been provided to discharge excess water and maintain reservoir level up to EL +4.5 m.
- During over flow of weir excess water from weir is wasted into sea in monsoon every year. In the years 2013, 2014 & 2015 overflow was observed on the weir for 93 days, 35 days and 10 days respectively. To utilize this water and create additional storage capacity of reservoir about 10 km downstream of weir cum causeway the SMC had proposed Conventional Barrage near (FRL 5.0 m) Rundh-Bhatha in addition to overcome the above stated problems.
Estimated Project Cost
Rs. 825.91Crore (Capital Work)
- To conserve excess water flowing away from Weir-cum-Causeway
- Long term water supply requirement of the Surat City and surrounding area.
- To prevent tidal silting and pollution in Tapi river–down stream of Weir-cum-Causeway
- To prevent salinity intrusion in area like Adajan, Athwa, Umara etc. located down stream of Weir-cum-Causeway
- Ground water recharge from sweet water reservoir and improvement of ground water quality
- Development of water sports like, Boating, Swimming, Cruise, Para sailing etc.
- River front development like stepped garden, river drive road, cycle/jogging/walking tracks
- Development of amusement park and recreational spots
- To improve environment and aesthetic beauty of the city
4. Tapi Riverfront Development and Rejuvenation Project
Concept Note
Tapi is a perennial river which crosses over Surat city and serves to a population of approx. 6.5 millions in city. It is a life line of the city. It becomes very dynamic in nature at the end of its course when it meets with the Arabian Sea. It thus brings the saline tidal back flows in city during high/ low tides all the way up to the Singanpore weir. It faces serious challenge of floods for which SMC has planned various flood embankment schemes along the river to accommodate rising levels of floods since 1976. Other issues are discharge of contaminated sewage from storm water outfalls, water management after construction of Singanpore weir and development of slums at river banks which needs to be resolved. There have been many recreational facilities which have been developed on banks of river. Solutions of the issues and previous efforts of development need to be integrated in developing the project. The Tapi Riverfront Development and Rejuvenation Project is an initiative taken up by the Surat Municipal Corporation to develop the Tapi River (for approx. length of 33km from Kathore Bridge (NH) to Rundh-Bhatha) in a holistic and comprehensive manner and increase its asset value for Surat city.
The Concept Master Plan for the project is based on detailed technical studies:
Project Details | Project Study Details |
Topographical Survey | To identify the all existing physical elements within river such as levels, small structures, obstructions, infrastructure, landscape, etc |
Topographical Survey | To understand adjoining context in terms of structures, terrain, infrastructure, street network, nallas etc. |
Preliminary Base Map | To demarcate the river land boundary |
Preliminary Base Map | To understand the land ownership on the adjoining lands |
Preliminary Base Map | To identify all existing components, like informal settlements within and adjacent to river land if any |
Geotechnical Investigation | To study the soil conditions for both the banks of the river along the entire length so as to understand soil behavior in existing and proposed scenario |
Activity Mapping | To understand the edge condition |
Activity Mapping | To verify the source and nature of pollution in the river |
Activity Mapping | To verify current activities and usage along the river |
Land Use Study | To understand the proposed DP and TP land use with existing landuse along the river |
Hydrology and Hydraulics | To identify the flood carrying capacity of the river |
Hydrology and Hydraulics | To understand the existing inundation scenario of the river |
Hydrology and Hydraulics | Prepare proposals to improve the carrying capacity of the river |
This project carefully examines all the issues pertaining to river and suggests an all-inclusive, immediate and long term solutions. Tapi river front development and rejuvenation project incorporates a comprehensive proposal which is unique and context specific, providing a continuous public realm to the city of Surat. It considers the existing situation of river in context of floods and already constructed flood embankment schemes and proposes a holistic and resilient river edge.
Overall Assessment
Present Issues | Potential Opportunities |
Risk of flooding | To strengthen river edge |
Polluted river water | To clean the river |
Lack of public amenities | To create a continuous public realm |
Inadequate connectivity to river | To improve accessibility & connectivity |
Inability to retain water | To retain & replenish water |
The Master Plan also intends to integrate other parallel relevant projects like the Heritage precinct redevelopment, Proposed Barrage, Riverfront parks and walkway.
The Concept Master plan is an attempt to formulate a blueprint of a comprehensive, imaginable, legible and resilient river edge enriched with pedestrian trails, visitor facilities, spaces designated and designed for congregation, festivals and performances. The riverfront is proposed to be developed as a green and recreational space that can transform the existing neglected waterfront into a centre for social, cultural and recreational activities in the city. Construction of Embankments to strengthen River Edge of both banks. (approx. 33 km on each side)
- Cleaning the River by integrating Tapi Shuddhikaran Project.
- Reclamation of Land for recreational purpose.
- Broad zoning of Master plan has been done with reference to Land availability and Activity Mapping.
- Laying an emphasize over several green spaces like gardens, recreational parks, eco-park, etc.
- Development of public amenities along with probable access points along the riverfront.
- Development of Continuous Promenade (with Pedestrian & Cycle Track).
- Strengthening of certain existing roads to improve access for riverfront.
- Development of new proposed roads to improve connectivity along the river front across the river.
- Create specific riverfront road network by integrating existing and proposed roads.
Riverfront Project can directly impact some of the key pillars of “The Surat Resilience Strategy” for example, Water availability & quality, Dominant sectors of employment & economic development, Ecosystem & environmental regulation, Social cohesion, Up-scaling of health, Affordable housing, Connectivity & mobility services with regulation.