IT based Emission Inventory System
- Introduction
- National Clean Air Programme (NCAP)
- The Fifteenth Finance Commission
- Memorandum of Understanding with TERI
- Emission Inventory & Source Apportionment study
- Clear Air Action Plan
- Clean Construction Manual (22,049 KB)
- Continuous Ambient Air Monitoring Stations
- Air Quality Implementation Committee
- Air Quality Management Cell
- Clean Air Pledge
- Swachh Wayu Survekshan
- Monthly Progress Report Of Air Related Projects
- Results of Air Quality in Surat City
- Complaint Grievance System
- IT based Emission Inventory System
IT based Emission inventory system to create a provision for Dynamic data reporting of emission across various sources
Air pollution is the presence of substances in the atmosphere that are harmful to the health of humans and other living beings, or cause damage to the climate or to materials. There are many different types of air pollutants vehicular pollution, industrial pollution, C&D activities, burning biomass-based fuels for cooking, improper management of municipal and agricultural waste, etc. In such a scenario it becomes very important to understand the emission sources, chemistry, and transport of pollutants to identify measures for effective and optimal control of pollution.
The emission inventory is an important tool for identifying the source of pollutants and quantitatively expressing their pollution load in defined area at a particular time. Furthermore, the estimation of shares of contributing sources to pollution concentrations at any receptor location is referred to as source apportionment, and is one of the most powerful techniques to strengthen the process of air quality management planning .While developing such inventories, it is always preferable to have country-specific emission factors of different air pollutants from various sector-specific activities. This helps reduce uncertainty in estimating emissions of air pollutants from that sector.
Thus, it is necessary to use meteorological parameters and pollutants inventories together in a chemical transport model to estimate the ambient concentration of different air pollutants. World Resources Institute(WRI),Gujarat Pollution Control Board(GPCB) and Surat Municipal Corporation has carried out a preliminary model run to assess pollutant concentrations in India based on the inventory prepared in this study. It aims to update the multi-sectorial emission inventory of PM, NOx, SO2, NMVOC, CO of India, to develop an inventory of ammonia emissions for Surat, and to simulate pollutant concentration using chemical transport models for identification of hotspots, among others.
Report on Source Apportionment Study for the city of Surat, Gujarat prepared by The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI)
- Table of content
- List of figures
- List of tables
- Executive summary
- Introduction
- Ambient particulate matter monitoring in Surat
- Chemical characterisation of particulate matter
- Source apportionment of ambient particulate matter using receptor model
- Emission inventory of air pollutants
- Dispersion modelling
- Comparison of source apportionment using receptor and dispersion models
- Future projections of emissions and air quality in Surat
- Summary & Conclusion

Click here to view Surat Source Apportionment Study.
Another report regarding Emissions Inventory for Surat City prepared by World resources Institute (WRI) India. Air pollution emissions inventories for the Surat city for different air pollution sources were developed for 2019 using primary and secondary data. This inventory data was then used in air quality dispersion modelling to estimate air pollution source contributions in Surat city. The modelling framework for this study consists of a meteorological model, an air quality model, and an emissions inventory database, which were integrated to simulate the local and regional atmospheric circulation and estimate the ambient pollutant concentration in the Surat.
The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) - Community Multi-scale Air Quality model (CMAQ) combination was used to simulate the Surat city's ambient PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations. The receptor modelling approach was used to analyze the chemical and physical characteristics of gaseous and particulate pollution in different locations of the Surat via the Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) model for the receptor-based source apportionment study. To carry out receptor modelling, air pollution ambient concentration data were collected from seven representative monitoring locations of Surat. To capture seasonal variation in pollutant concentrations, 24-hourly sampling was carried out at each of the selected locations for a period of 15 continuous days covering both summer (May-June 2019) and winter (December 2019 – January 2020) seasons of the year. At the background station, the monitoring was carried out for 30 continuous days during each season.
Click here to view Emission Inventory For Surat City.
Surat Air Pollution Emission Inventory - A Tool to Display Spatial Distribution of Air Pollution Emission Inventory across Surat City
In view of the above and as mandated under NCAP, the Emission Inventory and Source Apportionment Study (EI & SA study) has been conducted for Surat city by TERI- an Institute of Repute in collaboration with Surat Municipal Corporation and Gujarat Pollution Control Board. The EI and SA report has been shared in public domain on SMC website. Source wise multi pollutant inventories for PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2, CO and NMVOCs has been prepared with a resolution of 2 km × 2 km. Emissions inventory is the quantitative compilation of pollutants emitted from different source categories. The information on source based activities data is mainly collected from databases of government departments.
With regard to major sectors covered under emission inventory like industries, transport, roads, municipal solid waste, thermal power plants etc. the concerned government departments/agencies i.e. Gujarat Pollution Control Board, RTO, SMC. In order to develop periodical emission inventory through IT based emission inventory system, it is envisaged to obtain dynamic data of identified activities from these departments/ agencies which will be considered for estimated emissions as per the methodology adopted in the latest EI & SA study. After streamlining the input data from online platforms of concerned departments, dynamic online emission inventory shall be explored. As of now, in view of the details given for the availability of dynamic data from the concerned departments/ agencies, the emission inventory report will be generated annually and uploaded on the newly launched SMC – Air Quality Management Department web portal. We are grateful to the peer reviewers who reviewed the inventory and the methods used to estimate them and thus facilitated the preparation of this tool.
Reputed institutes can report Dynamic data of emission across various sources through below section
In order to develop periodical emission inventory through IT based emission inventory system, it is envisaged to obtain dynamic data of identified activities from these departments/ agencies which will be considered for estimated emissions as per the methodology adopted in the latest EI & SA study. After streamlining the input data from online platforms of concerned departments, dynamic online emission inventory shall be explored.
Emission Data
Zone | Ward | Institute Name | Person Name | Person Mobile | Person Email | Sampling Date | Source Type | Location | Pollutant | PollutantLoad | Attach Lab Report |