How do I? - obtain FIRE NOC

  1. Procedure at the time of Application of Building Development Permission
    1. Inter department opinion for Fire NOC is obtained from the Chief Fire Officer along with the building plans showing proposed firefighting arrangements.
    2. Upon receipt of the opinion letter, the Divisional Officer scrutinize the building plans showing proposed firefighting provision and upon compliance, submit the recommendation report to the Chief Fire Officer.
    3. Upon satisfactory compliance the Chief Fire Officer will approve and issue fire NOC and the same is sent to the concerned department.
  2. Procedure at the time of Application of Building Use Certificate
    1. Inter department opinion for Fire NOC is obtained from the chief fire officer along with the building plans showing actual firefighting arrangements made on site.
    2. Upon receipt of the opinion letter, the Divisional Officer verifies all the firefighting arrangement made by doing all site inspection.
    3. Divisional Officer Submit the recommendation report to the chief fire officer if the firefighting arrangement is as per the regulations.
    4. Upon satisfactory compliance the Chief Fire Officer will approve and issue fire NOC and the same is sent to the concerned department.
  3. List of documents required to be submitted
    1. Inter departmental letter.
    2. Building Plans showing proposed/ existing firefighting arrangements.
  4. Time Line for Processing of Application
    72 Hrs
  5. Facility for online payment

The following officers shall carry out the inspection before issue of Fire NOC

Sr. No. Name of  Officer Designation
1 B.K.Pareek  Dy. Chief Fire Officer and Nodal officer
2 P.B.Vadhwana Divisional Fire Officer
3 D.H.Makhijani  Divisional Fire Officer