Water Supply Master Plan
Water Supply Master Plan Details
- Surat Municipal Corporation had prepared a long-term Master Plan in the year 1995 for Water Supply Scheme of Surat city in consultation with Tata Consulting Engineers, Mumbai. The Master Plan was prepared to fulfill the water demand for the projected population growth for the horizon year 2021, considering the base year as 1995. The purpose of the implementation of water supply scheme is to supply adequate quantity of potable water with sufficient pressure to every citizen through piped network. According to Master plan, SMC has implemented the project components for the augmentation of source, treatment plant, UGSR, transmission line and distribution pipeline network in a phased manner till now.
- In the year 2006, city limit was been extended in two phases by State Govt. notification, merging 27 Grampanchayats & 8 Nagarpalikas into city. Due to the revised area & population scenario, revision in existing Master Plan of water supply, based on earlier city limit, became necessary. Hence preparation of revised Master Plan is in progress at present by Multimedia Consulting Engineers (Pvt.) Ltd., Ahmedabad.
Total Water Demand
Preliminary forecasted figures of water demand up to year 2041 have shown given in the chart below:
Water Demand up to Year 2041

Future Capacity as per Master Plan
SMC has already started phase-wise implementation of New Water Supply Master Plan to fulfill water demand up to year 2041. Moreover, works are prioritized to achieve the goal of 100% coverage of extended area & population by year 2016 through ongoing/planned projects for increasing water supply capacity, which is shown in the table below.
Ultimate Capacity of Water Supply Components as per Master Plan
Sr. No. | Water Supply Project | Ultimate capacity Master Plan Year 2041 / 2044 |
1 | Intake Well (in MLD) (2041) | 2425 |
2 | Water Treatment Plants (in MLD) (2026) | 1678 |
3 | UGSR Capacity (in ML) (2026) | 738 |
4 | ESR Capacity (in ML) (2041) | 166 |
5 | Pipeline (in km) (2041) | 3550 |
Cumulative capacity Increase