- Introduction
- Communication Details
- Rescue Vehicle Details
- Fire Station Details
- Staff Details
- Precautions
- Online Forms
- Registered Fire Protection consultant on Record
- Acts and Rules
- Right to Information
- Notification
- Public Notice
- Do's & Don't for High-Rise Buildings (372 KB)
- Regulations
- NBC Part-4 (759 KB)
- Gujarat Government Gazette (983 KB)
- Fire Volunteer Registration
- Fire Safety Information
- સુરત મહાનગરપાલિકાના ફાયર એન્ડ ઇમરજન્સી સર્વિસીસ વિભાગની વહીવટી કચેરી તા. ૧૫/૦૫/૨૦૨૩ થી કતારગામ ફાયર સ્ટેશન(કતારગામ ફાયર સ્ટેશન, ધોળકિયા ગાર્ડનની બાજુમાં, કતારગામ, સુરત - ૩૯૫૦૦૪)ની જગ્યાએથી મુગલીસરા ફાયર સ્ટેશન, ગોરધનદાસ ચોખાવાલા માર્ગ, મુઘલસરાઇ, સુરત-૩૯૫૦૦૩ ખાતે સ્થળાંતરીત થનાર છે. જેની જાહેર જનતાએ નોંધ લેવા વિનંતી.
- સરકારશ્રીનાં શહેરી વિકાસ અને શહેરી ગૃહ નિમાર્ણ વિભાગનાં પત્ર ક્રમાંક અગન-૧૦ર૦ર૧-૧૦૦-લ૧, તા.૧૧/૦૧/ર૦રરનાં પત્ર મુજબ ગુજરાત અગ્નિ નિવારણ અને જીવન સુરક્ષા ઉપાય વિષયક નિયમો, ર૦૧૪માં (સુઘારો) નિયમો ર૦ર૧ તા.રર/૦૧/ર૦ર૧નાં જાહેરનામા GH/V/9 OF 2021/AGN-102021-100-LI થી બહાર પાડેલ નિયમ ર૪ અને નિયમ રપ સબસ્ટીટયુટ કરવામાં આવેલ જે મુજબ આ જાહેરનામા પછી એટલે કે તા. રર/૦૧/ર૧ પછી સુરત મહાનગરપાલિકાનાં ફાયર વિભાગ ઘ્વારા રીન્યુ કરેલ ફાયર સેફટી સર્ટીફીકેટ (એન.ઓ.સી.) ની વેલીડીટી ર (બે) વર્ષ ગણવાની રહેશે. વધુ માહિતી માટે અહીં દબાવો
Surat Fire Brigade came into existence in the year 1852, which were separately functioning under the control of Surat Sudhrai.

At that time, Surat Fire Brigade had only 01 fire stations and 04 fire vehicle and in 1966 under administrative control of Surat Municipal Corporation, Surat . The fire service continues to make sincere endeavour by responding to approx 2200 fire/rescue calls per annum on an average to serve the people of Surat City with the sole motto "WE SERVE TO SAVE".
Services Offered
- Fire Fighting
- Rescue & relief work during flood, earth-quake & other Natural & man -made disaster
- Site inspection for issuing fire NOC
- To issue fire certificate
- To provide services of Ambulance & Dead body van to public
- Stand-by duty during religious Festival and Public Programmes
- Stand - by duty during visit of VIP & V VIP.
The Surat Fire & Emergency does not levy any charges for the fire fighting and rescue services provided to the community within the SMC city limit Surat. The Deptt. however recovers service charges if the fire engines are required to be sent outside the limits of SMC or in case if a fire engine is hired for public or private functions. It is, therefore, for the information of general public that no fees/charges are required to be paid by anyone for the services rendered by the fire service.
Standby Duty
The standby duty (positioning of a water tender) is a service offered by the Surat Fire & Emergency Services on demand from the public subject to availability of fire tenders. This service shall be on chargeable basis .The persons desirous of availing the services may apply to the Chief Fire Officer stating the expected number of people participating in the function/ceremony, the hazardous conditions that are likely and charges are payable by DD /Payorder on the name of Municipal Commissioner Surat Municipal Corporation, Surat on any working day.
General Information

- Raise an alarm and inform the Fire Brigade on Telephone No. 101
- Attack the fire with available equipment, if you can do so without undue risk.
- Leave the premises by the nearest available exit.
- Close all doors and windows behind you.
- Report to the person incharge at the assembly point.
- You must know the escape routes, how to operate fire alarm and how to use first aid fire fighting equipments.
- Do not use lift as a means of escape.
- Do not shout or run. This tends to cause panic.
- Call the Fire Brigade
- The services of the Fire Brigade are provided free of cost Dial 101 irrespective of the size of the fire.
- You do not need a coin to communicate on this number, even when you use the P.C.O.
- Give way to fire engines to enable them to reach at the incident quickly.
- Allow them to use your telephone to communicate with the control room.
- Don’t park your cars/truck close to fire hydrants/underground static water tanks.
- Guide firemen to water sources ie. Tube wells, pounds, static tanks etc. in case of fire.