West Drainage Zone

- Total Habitable Area 2518.0 Hact.
- Area Coverage 98.18 %
- Total Population (Census 2001) 2.85 Lacs
- Population Catered 99.36 %
Almost 98.2 percent of the area is covered by sewerage network catering to 99.36% population. The sewage is being treated in a 100 MLD capacity sewage treatment plant at Bhesan and 15 MLD capacity sewage treatment plant at Asharma and the treated sewage is disposed off into the Tena khadi.
According to the sewerage scheme of this zone, there will be a sewage treatment plant at Bhesan and Asarma, with an ultimate capacity of 160 MLD and 31 MLD, Six sewage pumping stations, transmission lines from each pumping station to sewage the treatment plant and a sewerage network of NP-3/NP-4 class RCC pipes.
Sewerage Network
Seventy Five percent of the area of the zone is provided with an underground sewage network. The sewerage network in Adajan and Rander area was commissioned long back in 1990s, whereas the network of Jahangirpura, Jahangirabad, Pisad, Pal and Palanpore are recently completed.
Sewerage Pumping Stations
The developed area of the zone has been provided with sewage pumping stations at Rander, Adajan and Adajan-Pal since 1995-96. Sewage pumping stations of 40.0 MLD capacity at Jahangirabad-Bhesan and Jahangirapura-Pisad, were commissioned in the year 2006 and 2008 respectively. The Sewage pumping station at Pal-Palanpore is completed is commissioned recently.
The transmission line of the Rander, Adajan and Pal sewage pumping stations is under service since 1995-96 and the 3.5 km transmission line for Jahangirabad and Jahangirapura-Pisad sewage pumping stations was commissioned in 2008. The transmission line for Pal-Palanpore SPS is commissioned recently.
Sewerage Treatment Plant
A sewage treatment plant of capacity of 100 MLD, based on the Conventional Activated Sludge Process was completed and commissioned in 2008 at Bhesan. A sewage treatment plant at Asarma, having capacity of 15 MLD and based on Moving Bed Bio Reactor Process is commissioned recently.
As per the master plan, it has been planned to augment the capacity of the Bhesan sewage treatment plant by 40 MLD during the year 2015-16.