South Drainage Zone

- Total Habitable Area 3902 Hact.
- Area Coverage 51.68 %
- Total Population (Census 2001) 3.74 Lacs
- Population Catered 77.99 %
At present, 51.68 percent area has been covered with sewage network serving 77.99% population, which in turn caters to about 69 percent of the population of the zone. The sewage from the whole South zone area is treated at the Bamroli- Vadod STP except Pandesara GIDC area and the treated effluent from the same is disposed off into the Khajod Khadi. The untreated sewage from the remaining area, along with wastewater generated from small-scale industries as well as industrial effluent from processing houses, is being discharged into the Kakra Khadi/ Khajod Khadi through storm water drains.
According to the sewerage scheme of this zone, there will be one sewage treatment plant at Bamroli-Vadod, with an ultimate capacity of 240 MLD, six sewage pumping stations, transmission lines from pumping station to the sewage treatment plants and a sewerage network of NP-3/ NP-4 class RCC pipes.
Sewerage Network
The sewerage network for Udhana, Govalak, Pandesara, Bhestan and Dindoli (Part) has been under operation since 2002. The works for pipe laying in the areas of Bamroli, Unn, Vadod, Sonari, Jiav etc., is under progress and it is expected commission these sewerage networks by March 2013.
Sewerage Pumping Stations
The sewage pumping station of 160 MLD capacity at Bamroli-Vadod is commissioned. The effluent pumping station at Pandesara GIDC area is also recently commissioned, The execution of sewage pumping station at Bamroli, Vadod-Jiav, Sonari, Unn-Sonari is also recently started and it is expected to commission these SPS by March 2013.
The SPS at Bamroli is terminal pumping stations in the premises of the STP at Bamroli-Vadod. Hence, the length of the transmission line is negligible.
Sewerage Treatment Plant
The sewage treatment plant of 100 MLD capacity at Bamroli-Vadod, based on the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) system, was commissioned in 2002. It was upgraded with second stage treatment with Extended Aeration process in January 2008. The plant is one of the largest capacity UASB process based plants in the world.
As per the master plan, the industrial effluent collection and transmission lines along with the pumping station and common effluent treatment plant of 100 MLD capacity is recently commissioned. The STP at Bamroli-Vadod will be taken up for augmentation during 2013-15 from 100 MLD to 140 MLD. The 0.5 MW biogas based power plant at Bamroli STP is under execution.
The 40 MLD tertiary treatment plant to recycle the secondary treated sewage to nearby Pandesara Industrial Estate, as an Industrial Grade Water, is under execution.