South East Drainage Zone

- Total Habitable Area 1894.00 Hact.
- Area Coverage 47.20 %
- Total Population (Census 2001) 6.34 Lacs
- Population Catered 84.87 %
At present, 47.20 percent area has been covered with sewage network serving 84.87% population. The sewage water is being treated as per the norms of Gujarat Pollution Control Board. After treating in a 82.50 MLD capacity sewage treatment plant at Anjana; the treated sewage is disposed off into the Mithi Khadi. Untreated sewage from remaining areas, along with wastewater generated from the local small-scale industries is discharged into the Koyali and Mithi Khadi through storm water drains. However, as per master plan, the sewage from the whole South-East Drainage Zone as well as part of Central Zone will be treated at the sewage treatment plant located at Anjana and proposed sewage treatment plant at Dindoli. The treated sewage will be disposed off into the Mithi and Bhedwad Khadi
Sewerage Network
Under South-East draiange zone, the area of Salabatpura, Anjana, Umarwada, Limbayat, Dumbhal and Dindoli (Part) are being catered. The sewerage network in the Salabatpura area was laid long back in 1958. The rest of the sewerage networks were laid between 1998 to 2003. The works are under execution for sewerage network in rest of the south-east drainage zone, i.e. Dindoli, Parvat, Godadara and it is estimated to complete these works by 2014.
Sewerage Pumping Stations (SPSs)
The sewage from Salabatpura, Anjana, Limbayat and Umarwad SPSs is transmitted to the STP at Anjana. Whereas the sewage from Parvat, Dindoli and Godadara SPSs will be transmitted to Dindoli STP. The works are under execution at Parvat, Dindoli and Godadara and it is expected to commission these SPSs by December 2014.
Sewerage Treatment Plants (STPs)
The primary sewage treatment plant at Anjana, with a capacity of 25 MLD and 51 MLD capacity was constructed in the year 1958 and 1984 respectively. The secondary sewage treatment plant, based on the Conventional Activated Sludge Process and with a capacity of 82.50 MLD was constructed and commissioned in the year 1996. In 2007, It has been upgraded to meet the latest sewage disposal norms of Gujarat Pollution Contral Board. 0.5 MW biogas based power plant was commissioned at Anjana STP in Oct 2003, which was the 1st in its kind of in India. At Dindoli STP also, the provision is made for the 2 nos. of 0.375 MW power plant with the execution of sewage treatment plant.
As per the master plan, the STP at Dindoli, with a capacity of 32 MLD, will be augmented during 2021-26 in second phase.