East Drainage Zone

- Total Habitable Area 2434.00 Hact.
- Area Coverage 48.33 %
- Total Population (Census 2001) 6.39 Lacs
- Population Catered 81.32 %
At present, 48.33 percent area has been covered with sewage network serving 81.32% population. The sewage water is being treated as per the norms of Gujarat Pollution Control Board, in a 100 MLD capacity sewage treatment plant at Karanj and treated sewage is disposed off into the Karanj khadi. Untreated sewage from remaining areas, along with wastewater generated from the local small-scale industries is discharged into the Karanj Khadi through storm water drains. However, as per master plan, the sewage from the whole East Zone will be treated at the sewage treatment plant located at Karanj and proposed sewage treatment plant at Dindoli. The treated sewage will be disposed off into the Karanj/ Kankara Khadi.
According to the sewerage scheme of this zone, there will be a sewage treatment plant with an ultimate capacity of 150 MLD at Karanj and 98 MLD at Dindoli, seven sewage-pumping stations, a transmission line from each pumping station to the sewage treatment plant and a sewerage network of NP-3/ NP-4 class RCC pipes.
Sewerage Network
With a sewerage network of Navagam and the part area of Karanj, Fulpada and Umarwada, was covered during the year 1990-1995.The part-area of Fulpada has been covered during 1999/2000. A network in the Karanj, Kapadra, Fulpada, and Nana Varachha area was completed by end of 2001. The pipe laying work is under execution in rest of the east zone area, i.e. Magob, Puna, Sarthana.
Sewerage Pumping Stations
The sewage from the Navagam area and a part area of Fulpada, Karanj and Umarwada is collected at the Navagam SPS and auxiliary SPSs at Patel Nagar and Modi Mohallo, whereas the sewage from the Karanj, part Fulpada, Nana Varachha and Kapadra area is collected at Karanj SPS. The collected sewage in these two SPS is then transmitted to STP at Karanj.
The remaining area of the whole East zone will be covered under the pumping stations at Sarthana, Magob and Puna. The execution work is already started and it is expected to commission these SPS by December 2013.
Sewage Treatment Plant
The sewage treatment plant at Karanj with a capacity of 100 MLD, based on Conventional Activated Sludge Process, was commissioned in 2003, whereas the work of sewage treatment plant at Dindoli, based on Conventional Activated Sludge Process, having a present capacity of 66 MLD is under execution and it expected to commission it by December 2013. 1.0 MW biogas based power plant was commissioned at Karanj STP in March 2008. At Dindoli STP also, the provision is made for the 2 nos. of 0.375 MW power plants with the execution of sewage treatment plant.
As per the master plan, during 2009-13, the capacity of sewerage treatment plant at Karanj will be augmented by 50 MLD to a total of 150 MLD. The STP with a capacity of 32 MLD, at Dindoli, will be constructed during 2021-26 in second phase.