North Drainage Zone

- Total Habitable Area 4113.00 Hact.
- Area Coverage 77.22 %
- Total Population (Census 2001) 5.32 Lacs
- Population Catered 87.21 %
At present, 77.22 percent area has been covered with sewage network serving 87.21% population. The sewage water is being treated as per the norms of the Gujarat Pollution Control Board, in a 100 MLD capacity sewage treatment plant at Singanpore and 84 MLD sewage treatment plant at Variav-Kosad. However, as per the master plan, the sewage from the whole North Zone will be treated at the sewage treatment plant located at Singanpore and the sewage treatment plant at Variav-Kosad. The treated sewage from Singanpore STP will be disposed off into the river Tapi, whereas the treated sewage from Variav-Kosad STP will be disposed off into Tena creek.
As per the sewerage scheme of this zone, there will be a sewage treatment plant with an ultimate capacity of 202.0 MLD at Singanpore and 132 MLD at Variav-Kosad, Elevan sewage-pumping stations, a transmission line from each pumping station to the sewage treatment plant and a sewage network of NP-3/ NP-4 class RCC pipes.
Sewerage Network
The work of laying of sewerage network for Katargam-Tunki, Katargam-Ved and Dabholi-Singanpore, has been already commissioned May 2004. It covers the 21 area of the north drainage zone.
The pipe laying work is under execution in rest of the North drainage zone area, i.e. Mota Varachha, Utran, Kosad, Amroli, Chhaprabhatha, and Variav. It is expected commission these sewerage networks by end of 2013.
Sewerage Pumping Stations
The sewage pumping stations at Katargam-Tunki, Katargam-Ved and Dabholi-Singanpore is in operation. The installed capacity of the three pumping stations is 71.0, 62.0 and 69.0 MLD respectively. The work of execution of sewage pumping stations at Mota Varachha, Mota Varachha-GEB, Utran, Kosad Railway, Kosad, Chhaprabhatha, is completed while execution work of sewage pumping stations at Variav and Variav STP is under progress and expected to commission by end of the year 2013.
The transmission lines from Katargam-Tunki, Katargam-Ved and Dabholi-Singanpore sewage pumping stations to the Singanpore STP have been laid. The total length of these transmission lines is about 7.0 kms. Whereas the transmission line from Mota Varachha, Mota Varachha-GEB, Utran, Kosad Railway, Kosad, Chhaprabhatha, Variav and Variav STP sewage pumping station is Completed while transmission line from Variav and Variav STP sewage pumping station is expected to be completed by December 2013.
Sewerage Treatment Plants
For a total of 202.0 MLD sewage expected to be generated at the end of design period, it has been planned to construct a sewage treatment plant, based on the Conventional Activated Sludge Process, in two phases. The existing Singanpore STP with a capacity of 100 MLD is under operation since 2003. As per the master plan, works on augmentation of the capacity of the plant from 100 MLD to 160 MLD will be taken up during 2011-13. 1.0 MW biogas based power plant was commissioned at Singanpore STP in March 2008.
As per master plant, the sewage treatment plant of 132 MLD will be constructed at Variav-Kosad. The construction of 84 MLD capacity STP is completed. The STP with a capacity of 48 MLD, at Variav-Kosad, will be constructed during 2021-26 in second phase. At Variav-Kosad STP also, 2 nos. of 0.50 MW power plant is executed along with 84 MLD capacity sewage treatment plant.