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Surat Municipal Corporation - Online Recruitment

Current Recruitment

Apply Now પર ક્લિક કરતા પહેલા જે તે કેડર સામે ડીટેઈલ્સની કોલમમાં પી.ડી.એફ. ફોર્મેટમાં દર્શાવેલ જાહેરાતની ફાઈલને ડાઉનલોડ કરી તેનો કાળજીપૂર્વક અભ્યાસ કર્યાબાદ જ ઓનલાઈન અરજીફોર્મ ભરવાનું રેહશે.

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Sr. No.Post ByPost NameTotal PostValid From Date [Time]Valid Upto Date [Time] Details Action(s)
1SMCShops & Establishment Inspector106/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
2SMCSupervisor (Civil)806/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
3SMCMaintenance Assistant (Electrical)106/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
4SMCNurse (B.P.N.A.)1406/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
5SMCLaboratory Technician406/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
6SMCTechnical Assistant1706/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
7SMCNurse (A. N. M.)406/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
8SMCLive Stock Inspector106/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
9SMCElectrical Wireman806/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
10SMCHorticulture Assistant106/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
11SMCFitter406/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
12SMCZoo Keeper106/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
13SMCMarshal Leader206/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
14SMCMarshal6206/03/2025 [11:00 hrs.]20/03/2025 [23:00 hrs.] Apply Now
NOTE: The Online Recruitments will be unavailable due to maintenance during 23:30 to 00:30 hours daily.